Ellis Weinberger's home page

Here is a resumé, and a curriculum vitæ.

Here are items on observation skills.

Here is a paper on the use of policy in digital object preservation, given at the ERPANET training seminar, at INSEAD, in Fontainebleau, in January 2003. A version was published in Archivi & Computer, Anno XII, Fascicolo 1-2, 2003.

Here is an article on security policy for digital preservation, based on presentations to staff at the Bodleian and at Edinburgh University Library, and to a conference at Edinburgh University in March 2002 and another at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge in May 2002. A version was published in the Proceedings of the conference at Edinburgh University, and in the National Preservation Office Journal, Issue 11, October 2002

Here is a paper on collection management for digital preservation, based on a presentation to the CEDARS project at Madingley Hall, 7 February 2000, a presentation to the CAUL visit at Cambridge University Library, 19 April 2000, and a presentation to CURL library staff, Edinburgh University Library, 18 May 2000. It was published in The New Review of Academic Librarianship, Volume 6, 2000.

Here is a paper on intellectual property rights for digital preservation, which was presented at Preservation 2000, York, Yorkshire, 8 December 2000. It is mirrored on the RLG web site, and was published in The New Review of Academic Librarianship, Volume 6, 2000.

Here is an article on concepts and processes involved in the long term storage of digital objects. It is based on two presentations, to the Digital Resources for the Humanities (DRH99) conference in September 1999 at Kings College, London, and to the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers `Digital is Different' seminar, at the Institute of Marine Engineers, London, in November 1999, and was published in Office for Humanities Communication Publication 13, DRH99: A selection of papers from Digital Resources in the Humanities 1999.

Here is an article about digital preservation, based on a presentation to the Cambridge Libraries Group in June 1999, and published in the New Series Number 45, Michaelmas Term 1999, Cambridge University Libraries Information Bulletin.

Here is an article on manuscript digitising, which has been published in Jewish Studies, Volume 38, 1998, pages 85-90, based on a lecture I gave at the Twelfth World Conference of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem in July 1997.

Here is my Master's dissertation, Privacy, Databases, and Jewish Law [104K].

Here are four items about walks.

If you have any questions, please e-mail ew206@cam.ac.uk.

The time in Cambridge is 23:31.
© Mr Ellis Weinberger; last revised October 2020