Curriculum Vitæ, Ellis Weinberger

Personal details



Appointments Held

Current position, 2022 - present

Career Coach

As a certified career coach, I help clients discover and take the next step on their path. We discuss where you are, where you want to go, how you want to get there, and what stands in the way.

Current position, 2008 - present

Personal security trainer

Research, design, and run workshops, on observation and communication skills for personal security, for PCSOs, lone workers, and stewards at music festivals. The workshops are based on interviews with security professionals, analysis of peer reviewed research, experience securing events, and feedback from participants. You learn how to notice trouble early, how to avoid trouble, and how to escape trouble.

Current position, 2009 - present

Information Assistant Careers Service, University of Cambridge

Welcome clients, in person and over the ‘phone. Listen to them, and help them explore their aspirations. Recommend resources from the Careers Service. Encourage cohesion within my team. Help administer and develop the client booking system. Help maintain and develop printed and electronic resources in the Careers Service Library.

1996 - 2009

Employment at Cambridge University Library

January 2002 - February 2009

Research Associate Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit, and Darwin Correspondence Project, Cambridge University Library.

Consult with photographers, and write effective procedures for manuscript digitising; manage digitising projects by talking to photographers, helping them solve problems, and checking images and metadata. Communicate with photographers and security experts, and agree on requirements and costs for secure storage of image files; write and enforce policies and procedures which enable cheap and secure storage of images. Work with editors and researchers, and write procedures which enable production of printed volumes during re-creation of typesetting system; supervise typesetting system software development in a manner which keeps the production staff satisfied.

March 1999 - January 2002

Project Officer Consortium of University Research Libraries Exemplars in Digital Archives project, Cambridge University Library.

Communicate with digital preservation experts, librarians, and archivists, and write policy documents on collection management, intellectual property rights, and security requirements, so that people can continue to use legacy digital objects. Present to groups and publish papers, so that people can understand the problems and the solutions involved in preserving the ability to use digital objects.

August 1996 - March 1999

Research Assistant Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit, Cambridge University Library

Supervise a manuscript digitising, and web software development project, enabling users to find and view images they need; present and publish on the manuscript digitizing project, enabling others to learn by example. Edit descriptions, compile indexes, and prepare camera ready copy, for manuscript catalogues, enabling publication of volumes. Negotiate with academics overseas and with local staff to facilitate the planning of joint projects. Negotiate rights for publishers to use Genizah manuscript images, enabling others to publish.

July 1995 - August 1996

Principal Library Assistant Ancient Near East, Semitics and Judaica Section, The Library, School of Oriental and African studies, The University of London.

Catalogue volumes in a variety of languages, giving users ability to find volumes easily. Develop and implement method to expedite transliteration slip production, increasing production rate of cataloguing project.

August 1992 - August 1994

Bookseller and buyer for Literary Criticism, Drama, Science Fiction, Crime, Biography, and Spoken Word, Waterstone's Booksellers, 48/49 The High Street, Exeter, Devon.

May 1990 - August 1992

Customer Care Officer Comet Service Department, Frog Street, Exeter, Devon.

August 1986 - August 1987

Cataloguer Hebrew University Library, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel.

March 1985 - August 1986

Bookseller The Bookstop bookstore, Du Nawas Street, Jerusalem, Israel.

Qualifications and training

Threat Awareness for Security Professionals Certificate; Threat Observation Certificate, Second Sight Training Systems LLC, 2022

Personal Safety and Security Certificate, Save the Children, DisasterReady, 2022

Security Risk Management Essentials Certificate, GISF - Global Interagency Security Forum, DisasterReady, 2022

Outdoor First Aid 16 Hour, The Bridge First Aid, Caldecote, Cambridge, 2022

Stay Safe 2.0 Global Edition: Level 3 - Security for Managers, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2022

Level 3 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring - 8587-21, ILM, 2022

Be Your Own Bodyguard course, Arjan Ruinard, Blauer Tactical Systems, Cumbria Police Headquarters, Penrith, 2022

Security Awareness & First Aid (SAFA) HEAT Training, International Location Safety (ILS), Pease Pottage, Crawley, 2021

Behavioural Detection Awareness Training, Baseline, International Association of Behaviour Detection and Analysis, 2021

BSAFE, United Nations Department of Safety and Security, 2021

Hostile Activity Prevention, Highcom Security Services, 2021

Urgent Tier driving training course in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Suffolk, 2020

SRF BTEC Level 3 Award in Self-Defence Instruction, NFPS Ltd, Pearson, Lilleshall National Sports and Conferencing Centre, 2019

BTEC Level 3 Award in The Delivery of Conflict Management Training: Delivering Scenario-Based Conflict Management Training, NFPS Ltd, Pearson, Hereford, 2019

Two-Day Close Protection, Situational Awareness, Conflict Management and Physical Intervention Course, Richard "Ginge" Johnson, Mark Dawes, John "Lofty" Wiseman, Neal Bradford, NFPS Ltd, Hereford, 2019

BSAFE, United Nations Department of Safety and Security, 2019

Understanding and working with ADHD students at University, Rebecca Champ, Disability Resource Centre (DRC), University of Cambridge, 2019

Objective Gap Safety course, Charlie McGrath, Objective Travel Safety, London, 2017

Mission Ready: Field Security Management; Mission Ready: Remote Security Management, 2017; Security in Urban Emergencies; Travel Safety and security, 2018, RedR UK

Stay Safe Course, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2017

Higher Education 1 Day Course, Mental Health First Aid England, Cambridge, 2017

Stop Assault FAST Level I, Bill Kipp, Fight Science, Staines, 2016

Stop Assault FAST Level I, Andras Millward, CrossFit Fort-Ashton, Bristol, 2016

Rory Miller training course, Application Based Karate, Swindon, 2016

Women's Personal Safety Workshop, 2016; Women's SPEAR Sharpening Course, 2017, Wayne Armstrong, PDR Swindon

Self Defence Seminar, Rory Miller, 2015; Rory Miller Seminar, 2018; Self Defence and Fitness Training Course, Dave Wignall, 2018, Simply Krav Maga, Cambridge

Counter Surveillance Techniques for Close Protection Officers; and Surveillance Photography Workshop, ISS Training Ltd., Skipton, 2015

Level 3 Award in Education and Training: Ascentis, Cambridge, 2014

Level 3 Award for Deliverers of Conflict Management: City & Guilds, Warminster, 2014

First Aid at Work: 2014, 2017, 2020; Personal safety and lone working: 2018; Annual refresher course in first aid skills: 2018, 2019: St Johns Ambulance

Level 2 Award in Door Supervision: Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance, 2013

Introduction to Counselling Skills, Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge, 2013, 2016

Crossfit Defense Course, Tony Blauer: Reebok CrossFit Stockport, 2013; Reebok Crossfit Thames, 2015

Risk Management; Introduction to Safety Management; Risk Assessment and Afterwards; Confidence in Personal Safety and Defusing Conflict, 2012; and Fire Warden: Health and Safety Office, University of Cambridge

Project Griffin Awareness: Suffolk Constabulary, 2012; Cambridgeshire Constabulary, 2014

Reception interviewing techniques for front line careers staff, The Careers Group, University of London, 2011

Assertive Communication for Postdocs/Research Staff, 2011; Communication Skills Advanced, 2012; Key Skills in Listening to, Communicating with and Supporting Individuals, 2012; Communication Skills Introduction, 2013; Managing and Developing Effective Teams, 2013; Conflict Resolution, 2011, 2014; The Art of Negotiation and Influence; and Promoting Yourself and Your Ideas, 2014: Centre for Personal and Professional Development, University of Cambridge

Personal Defence Readiness: Introductory, 2011, 2013; Weapons Defence, 2012, 2014; and Tactical Groundfighting, 2012; Weapons Defence Course incorporating the S.P.E.A.R. System, 2015; Functional Control Tactics Course, 2015; Functional Self Protection & Combatives Course: Beyond the ambush: Dealing with sustained attacks, 2016, 1-Day Functional Self Defence Course, 2018, Zeb Glover, Safe Space Security Services, Brighton

Diagnosing Client Needs, 2010; Introduction to Advice, 2018; Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS)


2006, Department of Geography, Cambridge University, Fundamentals of Integrated Geographical Information Systems.

1996, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Cambridge, Introductory Arabic.

1994-1996, Department of Information and Library Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, MSc. (Econ), Information and Library Studies.

1990-1991, Exeter College, Exeter, Devon, Certificate of Management Studies Course, BTEC.

1987-1989, Cygnet Training Theatre, Exeter, Devon, theatre training.

1985-1987, Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel, dual major, humanities and social sciences.

Voluntary activities

2008 - present, as a member of the External Ethics Panel of Cambridgeshire Constabulary: I facilitate the meetings of the Cambridge City Centre Working Group. I have served as Vice-chair of the Independent Community Scrutiny Panel; Chair of the Stop and Search Community Scrutiny Group; participated in research on Stop and Search effectiveness; advised on ethics and on diversity as a member of the Ethics Diversity Equality and Inclusion Strategic Group, the Ethical Dilemma Panel, the Ethics Equality and Inclusion Board, and of the External Ethics Committee, and explained the role of the constabulary to the community.

2007 - 2015, as member of the Voluntary Sector Working Group of the Regional Resilience Forum of the East of England: Liaise with faith bodies, and provide guidance and contacts to local government for use in emergencies.

2003 - 2012, as Co-Chair, Director, and Company Secretary of the East of England Faiths Council: Encourage cooperation between government and faith communities.

Additional details

References and publication list on request.

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Mr Ellis Weinberger

The time in Cambridge is 06:19.
© Ellis Weinberger; revised December 2024